경희대학교 동서의학대학원


경희대학교 동서의학대학원


경희대학교 동서의학대학원


연구/산학 성과

한국을 빛낸 사람들(한빛사)에 강철훈 교수 논문 소개

강철훈 교수
  • 2020.03.25
  • 2,796

한빛사 (한국을 빛낸 사람의 약자)는 생물학정보센터(BRIC)에서 운영하고, 생명과학분야 해외 주요학술지에 투고한 한국과학자들의 논문을 소개함으로써 사기진작에 일조하는 동시에 이들의 유수한 논문들을 국내 연구자들에게 알려 드리고자 하는 의도에서 기획되었으며, 생명과학 관련 학술지 가운데 세계적으로 권위가 인정되고 있는 학술지 평가기준 INDEX SCI(SCIENCE CITATION INDEX)에 등재된 저널들의 인용데이터 산출자료인 Impact Factor (IF) 10 이상 또는 5-Year Impact Factor 10 이상인 학술지에 투고한 한국인 과학자들(First author, 또는 Corresponding author)과 논문을 소개하고 있습니다.




위의 한빛사에 우리 대학원 동서의과학과 식의약소재학전공 강철훈 교수의 논문이 소개 되었습니다.



1. Chem. Rev., April 12, 2013 | DOI: 10.1021/cr300358b (2011년 JCR SCI IF=40.197)


Disulfide-Cleavage-Triggered Chemosensors and Their Biological Applications


Min Hee Lee†, Zhigang Yang †, Choon Woo Lim ‡, Yun Hak Lee †, Sun Dongbang †, Chulhun Kang *‡, and Jong Seung Kim *†


† Department of Chemistry, Korea University, Seoul 136-701, Korea


‡ East-West Medical Science, Kyung Hee University, Yongin 446-701, Korea


*Corresponding Author : Chulhun Kang, Jong Seung Kim






The disulfide bond (.S.S.) is an extremely valuable functional group in a variety of chemical and biological agents that display potent reactivity or biological activities (e.g., antitumor activities).1-7 It has already been found in proteins, oxidized glutathione, and even in numerous natural products including some drugs (e.g., mitomycin disulfides, leinamycin, etc).8,9 Disulfide bonds existing in proteins are relatively oxidative in the extracellular space; however, such disulfide bonds can be rarely found inside cells because of the disulfide cleavage reactions mediated by the abundance of cellular free thiols, including glutathione (GSH), which is the most abundant thiol-containing small molecule. Another major biological disulfide compound is glutathione disulfide (GSSG), which is produced upon the oxidation of GSH.10 In fact, GSH can be oxidized to GSSG, which can be reduced back to GSH in the presence of the NADPH-dependent enzyme glutathione reductase (Figure 1B) to maintain the cellular redox homeostasis essential for cell growth and function.11-13






2. Angew. Chem.-Int. Edit., Article first published online: 22 APR 2013 | DOI: 10.1002/anie.201301894 (2011년 JCR SCI IF=13.455)


Two-Color Probe to Monitor a Wide Range of pH Values in Cells


Min Hee Lee1, Ji Hye Han2, Jae Hong Lee1, Nayoung Park1, Rajesh Kumar1, Prof. Chulhun Kang2,*, Prof. Jong Seung Kim1,*


1 Department of Chemistry, Korea University, Seoul, 136-701 (Korea)


2 The School of East-West Medical Science, Kyung Hee University, Yongin, 446-701 (Korea)


*To whom correspondence may be addressed.


† This work was supported by the CRI project (20120000243, J.S.K.) and by the Basic Science Research Program (2012R1A1A2006259, C.K.) through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.


High-tech pH paper: A “chameleon” pH probe composed of rhodamine (red, see scheme) and fluorescein (green) units emits at wavelengths of 580 nm and 512 nm, where the intensities show a contrary response to pH changes. Confocal microscopy of HeLa cells with this probe reveals red and green spots; the ratio of these signals can be calibrated to give the pH value of the respective organelle.




Keywords: fluorescein; fluorescent probes; imaging agents; intracellular pH; rhodamine

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